Honor Competition
“Outdo one another in showing honor” Romans 12:10
I am one for some fun competition. Whether it be video games, sports, trivia, or any other avenue, competition can be a great way to build relationships and have fun! I have noticed that because of my past I must check myself when playing basketball to remind myself I do not “have” to win, though I do enjoy it. But as a Christ-follower, you begin to see that there are not a lot of moments where we are asked to outdo one another.
When we think about it, competition as we know it is not prevalent in the life of Jesus. Knowing the power Jesus had I am sure it would be an unfair competition every time, but at no point do you see Jesus challenging people to a competition for the sake of winning. So, when I stumbled upon this verse a few years ago I was caught off guard to see the invitation to compete against each other in showing honor. Honor is not a word we use in our normal vocabulary, but it would change the world if we all were to begin to live it out.
The way I view and try to live out honor is recognizing the full worth and importance of another person. Could you imagine a world where this takes place? What an incredible world that would be! Well, the reality is a world where everyone honors another is possible once we make it a habit. The game changer in beginning to live a life that shows honor to others is remembering that a person’s worth and importance does not change based on their decisions. A person’s decisions, thoughts, or beliefs cannot change the worth and importance of a person because it has already been defined and decided by God.
Every human being carries the likeness of God (Genesis 1:27) and every human was given their worth and importance at the cross that Jesus died on. We can try to convince ourselves that someone else might be worse because of what they do, but at the foot of the cross we all stood condemned. Yet, in a beautiful and bloody act of love, Jesus elevated value to every single human; and no other force can lessen that value.
For those of us following Jesus, this means that we treat every human with the full worth and importance that Jesus gave them. Whether they are Republican or Democrat, whether they think Michael Jordan is the GOAT of basketball or Lebron, or whether they think country music is good or bad; we are called to view and treat every human with honor.
We do not reflect Jesus if we spend our time arguing, fighting, condemning, forsaking, and belittling others for what they do. One of the most powerful reflections of Jesus is showing honor to those who do not earn it. If we look back on our lives, the reason we got a glimpse of Jesus was because someone showed love and honor to us when we knew we did not deserve either.
Showing honor does not require grand and extravagant displays, in fact, it is often the small and consistent moments of honor that change someone’s life. Tell people they are valuable, tell people you do not hold their past against them, let someone know you believe in them and always believe the best in others. There are enough people counting people out and saying they will never amount to anything, why should we blend in? May we be the voices that break through and honor people in the way that Jesus honors them.
How can you make honoring someone a daily habit?
Father, thank you for giving me full worth and importance. Nothing would stop you from not only restoring humanity back into relationship with God, but also giving them their value back. Though we tend to treat others in unfair ways, I pray You will work in me to go against the norms of this world and show honor to everyone. Let Your Spirit in me work to give people the honor they do not always deserve. I ask this all in Your mighty name, Amen.
Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.