Get Salty
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:13-16
I learned to deal with most of the inconveniences caused by the CoVid pandemic. Yet, there is one thing I missed the most - going to the movie theater. It's not just the whole experience of watching a film on the big screen in comfy seats surrounded by friends that I miss. I also found myself craving popcorn in all its buttery and salty glory. So, this past weekend when I finally ventured into a movie theater for what seemed like forever, I got an enormous tub of popcorn with glee.
Yes, I realize during the pandemic, I could have picked up some Jiffy Pop or Orville Redenbacher at the store, but it's not the same. The salt from those little silver canisters at the theaters hits differently. Everything else is bland and tasteless. Popcorn without the theater salt is dull and dry. What brings everything together is the salt - one ingredient influencing the whole.
Our role as Christ-followers and our relationship with the world around us works much the same way. We do so not in a brash way or with a "look at me" mindset. Neither does how we make an impact come from standing out by being judgmental, weird, or offensive. After all, too much salt is overpowering, and people spit it out. Our job isn't to be the moral police but to live in such a way that people notice our willingness to love, forgive, seek justice, and bring value to the marginalized.
In Matthew 5, during the Sermon on the Mount, Christ calls us the salt of the earth. As we live out our new identity in Christ, we affect the culture around us. We provide much-needed flavor to everything we touch. We bring a bit of God's Kingdom to the world in a nearly undetectable way. This subversive nature does its work behind the scenes. However, when it's missing, it's noticeable that something is off and not right.
We live as salt and light so people can see what God is like and how He relates to them. The Church is God's example to the rest of the world. In a world that divides, we must fight for unity and reconciliation. In the middle of an angry culture, we need to exhibit love, patience, and forgiveness.
Distinctness. As believers in Christ, we must stand out and live differently. Our message of Christ's love gets lost amongst the crowd when we look like everyone else. We then forfeit and squander our influence.
Scripture speaks about us being Christ's ambassador. We are individuals called to represent His character through our actions and words. When people look at our lives, they should see Christ and at the heart of Who he is, which is humility, love, and sacrifice. He didn't seek the spotlight, but that didn't prevent Him from turning the world upside down forever. Living distinct lives might be undetectable, but the impact we have should be undeniable.
How are you having an impact and bringing Christ's love to the things you touch?
What would it look like to live a distinct life in the places you are planted and have influence?
God, let me bring Your love to everything I touch. Help me glorify You in how I care, support, and serve those around me. May I make much of You by showing how this encounter has changed everything about me. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.