From Jealousy to Joy
A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones. Proverbs 14:30 NLT
Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15 NLT
Jealousy is a gnarly disease. In the age of social media, jealousy has run especially rampant. I don’t have to scroll through Instagram for long before I lose all sense of gratitude for the life I lead. Within minutes, I’m overcome with envy. My focus shifts from all that God has given me to what I lack. When jealousy consumes my heart, it leaves little room for praise and gratitude. Instead of delighting in the Lord, I pout because I’m not on some whirlwind backpacking trip through Europe or sailing on a boat through the Bahamas.
I am learning that delighting in the Lord also means delighting in what He’s doing in the lives of others. Our God is good and worthy of praise, not only because He blesses us, but because He blesses those around us.
We need to practice thanking God for the things that He has given those around us. Celebrating what God is doing in the lives of those we envy is a beautiful antidote to jealousy and bitterness. Though, this practice is so much easier said than done. Admittedly, it feels grossly inauthentic at times. But we can trust that God will change our hearts as we diligently thank Him for what He’s given others.
It’s much easier to praise God when He blesses those who we deem worthy of His gifts. It’s difficult to pray for blessings to rain down on people who we struggle to love. I would be lying if I said it’s been fun to see God bless those who’ve hurt me. However, Jesus’ sacrifice has made every human being worthy of His abundant love. God has called our enemies worthy of plentiful gifts and blessings; so they are worthy of every blessing, even those we don’t think they “deserve.”
God wants to change our vision and help us remember that every person is worthy of receiving His gifts. He is calling us to worship Him for the money, vacations, job offers, pretty clothes, and peace-filled families he has given to others, even when we desperately want them for ourselves.
Who have you been jealous of lately? Take a moment and worship God for what He’s given them.
Abba, thank you so much for lavishing Your love on every one of Your children. I praise You for continually giving good gifts to sinners like me. In Your grace, change my heart so that I am happy when others receive the things I want. Strip my heart of jealousy and envy. Make room for praise and gratitude. God, I pray that You’d continue to bless everyone around me, even those who I struggle to love. Help me to remember that the blessings You give others do not diminish the value of those You’ve given to me. Help me to acknowledge Your love for me and the millions of ways it shows up in my day-to-day life. Don’t let me lose sight of my blessings, simply because I think others have “more.” Your love for Your children is equal. You don’t show favoritism. Thank you, Father. Amen.
Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today’s devotional.