Enough For Me
“I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” Psalm 16:8-11
It was a rare frustrating day at the office for me a couple of weeks ago. It seemed as though my phone and email were overflowing with the complaints and frustration of co-workers about some situations going on around work. Since I work in Human Resources, even if it is not our fault, we tend to get the spotlight. I rarely look at my days as, “I survived,” but that day earned the title. When those days come there is a temptation to escape. My body wants to go home, turn on my PlayStation and check out until bed. But my heart longs for people I care about in those moments.
I have a list of people I run to when things are wild, crazy, and frustrating. These people are on a special list because I know that just being around them improves my mood. They’re marked by joy, excitement, compassion, patience, care, and even few words. A lot of times on my bad days I do not need over-the-top encouragement. I just want to be with someone; their presence is enough for me. I tend to be that go-to person for some people and so I love the moments that someone can be there for me.
But what about those moments you can’t get to that person? I am reminded that there is Someone who sticks closer than a sibling. There is no greater presence in this life than the presence of Jesus.
The language David used when he wrote this psalm gives a glimpse of the presence of God. This section in Psalm 16 seems pretty joyful and encouraging but the context of the entire psalm is not so much. David wrote this while he was struggling. In fact, David wrote this psalm as a reminder that even when he felt as though he were abandoned, God would never abandon those He loves. In order for David to be reminded of that truth, He needed to set God before Him.
When was the last time you set God before you? This may come across as a strange question, but we spend so much time putting things before us that stress us out: our finances, work, struggles, and so much more. Yet, David discovered that when he sets God before him, he is focused on God. His heart is glad and his whole being rejoices. Nowhere in this psalm did David say that God made all his problems disappear, but by focusing on God, David re-established himself in the promises of God. Even further, David found the fullness of joy in God’s presence.
David’s words should remind us that joy is sufficient and found in God’s presence. No matter where we are, what we are doing, or how we are, we can choose sufficient joy in God’s presence. God goes with us everywhere we go. As we go with Him, we see the path of life He has established for us one step at a time.
What do you have set before you?
What disciplines can you use to set God before you?
Father, thank you for the gift of Your presence. Truly, there is fullness of joy wherever You are. Help me to find ways to continually set You before me. As I walk through the highs and lows of this life, I know Your presence goes with me and I have a choice of joy. Thank you for Your constant presence and goodness. I praise You for who You are Father, and pray in Your awesome name, Amen.
Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.