Drawing Up Our Plans
"So go ahead and make all the plans you want, but it's the Lord Who will ultimately direct your steps… Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there." Proverbs 16:1,9 TPT
I'll admit it: I'm a planner. You would see what I mean if you saw my Google calendar. I love to organize my day into color-coded, predictable blocks of time. I love the sense of control I get from planning—admittedly, I get my peace from thinking I "know" what's ahead. I want to know precisely what I can expect each and every day. Unfortunately, however, I'm not omniscient.
In today's culture, excessive planning is encouraged. I often receive praise for how "organized" I am. But, really, what my planning habit reflects is a lack of trust in God and a lack of flexibility.
We are often taught that our fate rests on our shoulders and that it is irresponsible and reckless to walk through life without a clear, exhaustive, step-by-step plan. Though planning is undoubtedly important, we must trust that God's will is better than our own. We have to be flexible enough to let God take us down new, unexpected roads when He wants to. As Christ-followers, God calls us to live life with open hands. We can make plans, but we cannot cling to them or find our peace in them.
Excessive planning comes at a cost. When I try to enact my own will, I find myself disappointed when God writes a different story for me than the one I wanted to write for myself. I convince myself that my plans for my life are, and always have been, better than what He has for me. It takes humility to admit that I don't know what is best for me. I have a limited world view, while God sees the complete picture. My will is often self-centered and focused on bringing about my glory and success.
God has more for me, and He has more for you. God is a brilliant author, and He is writing a story for our lives that will change us into more loving, self-sacrificing, humble people. God's goals for us are very different from the ones we have for ourselves. Our plans are often motivated by greed—we make plans to secure status, financial security, and accolades. But God wants to transform us and make us like His Son (Romans 8:29). God's focus is to make us more like Jesus. When we live a life that makes us become more like Him, we live a good story.
Get honest: do you believe you are a better planner than God?
Are there any plans you have made that you are clinging to for security or out of pride? What would it look like to surrender those plans to God?
Abba, thank You for writing an amazing story for my life. I trust it is a story filled with victory, transformation, and joy. God, help me trust that You are better at planning my days than I could ever be. Remind me that You have abundant grace for me when I cling to my own will. Help me to forgive myself when I try to wrestle for control because You forgive me fully and completely. God, give me the power to trust in You and open up my hands. Let me surrender to Your will without resisting. Remind me that You know better than I do. Thank You for planning to make me like Jesus through every trial and joy You've placed ahead of me. I love You, and I thank You for all You've done. Amen.
Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today's devotional.