Demonstrating Love
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:6-8
Love was, and still is, the person of Jesus.
His time on earth was spent demonstrating love to every single person. In a culture where value was difficult to come by and earn, Jesus extended value and dignity to everyone He encountered.
He broke bread with those who had careers shadowed by deceit. Jesus healed the unclean, castoffs, and disregarded. He gave women power, value, and a voice in a culture that considered them property. Every word, move, and engagement of Jesus was marked by love.
But, if any of those demonstrations do not move you to believe the claims of Christ, then think about the words from Paul in today’s devotion. It would be rare to find a person who would give their life for someone good, and even more difficult to find an individual who would give their life for someone who is not.
Who would be good enough for you to die for? Who do you believe is worthy of the full demonstration of your love that you would die in their place? For most of us, that list is probably short, and for some of us, that list may be completely blank.
Jesus decided that you and I are worth it. Even on my best day, it would be difficult to craft a case that proves beyond a shadow of doubt that I am a good person. Yet, Jesus demonstrated His love by saying we are each worth that sacrifice.
Even though your list may not include a ton of people, Jesus decided that everyone should have the opportunity to be shown a true demonstration of love. Jesus wanted to show that whether you think you have seen love, you have been hurt by love, or you feel as though you are waiting on love, that Christ gave His all for you.
Our hope in the dark is Christ’s unfailing love.
God’s demonstration of love for us is access to Him through His Son. We now get to be demonstrations of God’s love to others, others who feel as though they are not worth having love demonstrated toward them.
True love is not reserved for a specific person, it is demonstrated by a certain Someone—JESUS—for everyone.
What does demonstrated love look like or mean to you?
Where do you need to be reminded that in times of darkness love has been demonstrated to you by Jesus?
Father, thank you for an undeserved reality of demonstrated love. Who am I to have full access to Your unconditional and perfect love through Your death and resurrection? Help me to receive this love, and allow it to be my demonstration to others. My hope in the dark is Your unfailing love for me. I love You Father, and pray this all in Your awesome name, Amen.
PC3 writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.