And let us CONSIDER how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25
Much like snowflakes, no two people are exactly alike. Being a father, I see this truth play out in my girls, Madi and Paige. One is a morning person who is always on time; the other sleeps in, rushing to get out the door. Madi is a rule follower while Paige tests her boundaries. One loves to run while the other would rather spend her days playing the guitar. Madi requires time to process her feelings, while Paige needs to get her thoughts out right away. The only thing that unites them is their addiction to coffee.
My girls are vastly different - they have distinct love languages, communication styles, and interests. Even though they bear the same last name, God wired them with unique gifts and purposes. Parenting Madi and Paige the same way wouldn't honor God's design nor bring out the best in either of them. My job as their father is the same - to love and lead them in a manner that points them to the life-changing hope found in Jesus Christ. However, how I express, implement, and navigate this call is different for both. I must consider who they are and who God is shaping them to become.
To consider someone else takes effort and intentionality.
It doesn't occur from a distance or without thought. We must pay attention, humbly pray, and invest in the relationship. What makes them come alive? On the flip side, what causes them to shut down and disengage? What are their worries, insecurities, and fears, as well as their hopes, dreams, and passions?
Consideration isn't cookie-cutter, one size fits all, or paint by numbers.
Each person we lay eyes on today has a story crafted by God, an individual uniquely wired. Trying to jam Christ's love with a round peg into someone God shaped as a square only leads to frustration on our end while damaging the individual. Considering the person on the other side communicates their worth and value. To consider is to be creative with the expressive love of our Creator.
Think about an individual God continues to place on your heart. Consider how you can spur them on to love and good deeds. What would it look like to uniquely love, care, and encourage them?
God, You speak Your love over my life in remarkable ways. I'm loved fiercely and personally. May I remember that those I care about are also loved by You uniquely. Allow me to pause and consider the ways I love them and point them to You. May they be life-giving and life-affirming. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.