Have you ever looked back on a year and wondered how you made it through? This past year has been like a roller coaster – full of unexpected twists, turns, and moments that took our breath away. But here's the beautiful truth: God has been right beside you, carefully weaving each experience into a beautiful tapestry of grace. Today, we want to begin our retreat journey by reflecting on the circumstances we faced in 2024, considering where we witnessed God’s faithfulness, and articulating the lessons we learned along the way.
Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Psalm 139:16
"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
Think about those moments that caught you off guard. That job loss that seemed devastating? Maybe it was God's gentle nudge toward a more fulfilling path? That health challenge that felt overwhelming? Perhaps it was an invitation to draw closer to Him and discover a strength you never knew you had? But it wasn't just about the big moments. God was present in the quiet spaces too – those morning coffee conversations with Him, the unexpected peace during challenging times, the gentle reminders of His unending grace.
Remember Paul's incredible promise in Romans: God works ALL things together for good. Not just the comfortable moments, but every single experience – the mountaintops and the valleys. Each circumstance is like a classroom where God is patiently teaching us, shaping our character, and revealing His incredible love. This isn't about rating your year as good or bad. It's about recognizing God's fingerprints in the most unexpected places. Look for those quiet moments of unexpected provision. Notice how He redirected your steps when a door closed. Celebrate the times He whispered comfort in the midst of chaos.
Your story isn't defined by circumstances but by the faithful God who walks with you through them. He's been writing a beautiful narrative of hope, even when you couldn't see the entire picture. So take a moment. Breathe. Look back with eyes of faith. Where do you see God's love woven into the fabric of your year? Where did He show up in ways you might have missed in the moment? Your story is a living testament to God's incredible, personal love – messy, miraculous, and magnificent.
Even though it seemingly goes against the rules of a spiritual retreat, we’re encouraging you to embrace technology for just a moment and take out your smartphone. Scroll through your social media profiles or phone’s album and look through the photographs from the past year. If you’re not technologically savvy or don’t find yourself snapping a lot of photographs, grab your calendar and day planner and glance back over all that transpired in 2024.
Now, as you peruse the images and posts that document your journey through the past year, take some time to reflect on the circumstances you faced. Think of the questions below as prompts to get you started. Don’t feel the pressure to answer every one, but challenge yourself to create space and consider what left a mark on you in 2024:
If you had to sum up this past year with one word, what would you choose and why?
What were the most significant circumstances you experienced this year? Where did you observe God's subtle or unexpected work in your personal circumstances?
How have your trials ultimately deepened your trust and dependence on God? In what ways did you notice God’s redeeming work and sustaining faithfulness through these challenging situations?
As you consider all that you’ve been through, write down the greatest lesson you learned or piece of wisdom you gained in the following areas: MYSELF, EMOTIONS, RELATIONSHIPS, FAITH JOURNEY & GOD
Close today’s time by reciting the following prayer or by putting it in your own words:
Heavenly Father, as we pause and look back on this year's journey, we acknowledge Your guiding hand in every unexpected twist and turn. Thank you for being present in both the monumental challenges and quiet moments, weaving Your grace through our experiences. We recognize that nothing happens outside Your loving purpose, and we trust that even in our most difficult seasons, You were carefully crafting a narrative of hope and transformation. Grant us the eyes of faith to see Your fingerprints of love in every circumstance, understanding that You are constantly working all things together for our good. We surrender to You everything that took place over the past year, celebrating Your unending faithfulness and the miraculous ways You have sustained and directed our paths. Amen.