Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1:8-9
I remember how nervous I was proposing to my now wife. My concern wasn't because I thought her answer swung in the balance (after all, I'm quite a catch...I kid, I kid). It had everything to do with making it a memorable moment, and plans going smoothly.
So, I practiced my speech over and over again. I memorized it frontward and backward. When the big day came, I was ready, or so I thought. As I got down on one knee and opened my mouth, I caught a glimpse of Jenn and froze. No words came out. I tried to recover, but I stumbled and mumbled. I started a sentence, not knowing where it was going, only to hope I would find it in the end.
Seeing her face-to-face brought up a host of emotions. This made speaking coherently a tad bit difficult. How could I declare the countless reasons why I wanted to spend the rest of my days with her by my side? Words didn't seem to do justice in describing the many ways I loved her and how she made me a better man. Fortunately for me, in spite of my bumbling, she said yes, which led to that joyous moment of us standing at the altar together a few months later.
In today's passage, Peter pens a letter of encouragement to believers facing severe trials, adversity, and persecution. Instead of losing faith, something different was breaking out amongst them — an inexpressible joy. They were rejoicing not in their circumstances, but the goodness of their Creator. They recognized who was by their side every step of the way.
Imagine possessing a joy so profound that our lips are incapable of articulating it. Our best attempts to explain God's mercy always fall short. We understand parts of it. We catch glimpses from time to time. We even experience snippets of the abundance.
There isn't enough ink or paper in existence to capture its fullness with words. Pondering His forgiveness leaves us speechless. God's unconditional love has no end. His faithfulness is indescribable. Carve out some time today to speak or write out the ways God loves you. Yes, in a way, it's a futile endeavor, but that's not the point. Joy overflows from our hearts when we have our eyes set on Him. Pondering produces awe, and awe leads to peace and contentment.
Through all of our fumbling and mumbling and feeble attempts to articulate, God rejoices. He does so because they are ramblings of gratitude and joy that warm His heart. Our indescribable God, and His indefinable love, want nothing more than to be with you. And that should make our jaw drop.
In what ways does God love you?
How have you seen His faithfulness play out in your life?
God, words fall short of expressing Your greatness. The way You love me is indescribable. Your goodness overwhelms me. Your grace washes over me and replenishes the dry places of my heart and soul. And because of this, I'm filled with inexpressible joy. May I let that joy shape and mold me in a way that, in its small part, reflects a portion of Your amazing love. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.