“Better Than Life” - Psalm 63 (Day 3)
Today, as we continue our journey through Psalm 63, we witness worship erupt in the wilderness. While on the run as others attempt to take his life, David directs his praise to the One who created his life. Like David, God wired us to worship. It is part of our DNA to give our affections and attention to something greater than ourselves. So, before we begin, I want to provide space for you to do just that - to worship God, thanking Him for who He is and the faithfulness He directs toward you.
Let’s start our time together by going back and re-reading the opening verses of Psalm 63 together. May these encouraging words wash over you and set the tone for today’s study:
Psalm 63:1-2 says this:
1 You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
2 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
Amid the chaos, David searched for connection with his Creator and Sustainer. In his time of need, David recognized his soul’s deep longings found their fulfillment in only one source: God. This acknowledgement spilled out of him in the form of worship. As you continue to read Psalm 63, make note of the different ways David expressed worship and praise:
Psalm 63:3-5 says this:
3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
Take a moment to reflect on what you just read:
How would you describe David’s posture in these verses? What led to his adoration of God?
Glorify, praise, lift up my hands, fully satisfied. David's heart for worship consumes these three short verses. Yet, in all of the adoration and adulation, there is one thing you won't find - a change in David's circumstances. The Judean wilderness remained his home. His enemies were still in hot pursuit. Yet, David wasn't concerned about his life but rather God's great love. He felt blessed not due to a seismic shift in his situation but for experiencing the lovingkindness of God.
So likewise, our worship shouldn't hinge or be held captive by a change in our circumstances. If there are strings attached to our praise, that's not worship - it's a bargaining chip, a contingency plan. God doesn't need fair-weathered fans but rather faithful followers. Selflessness, not selfishness, serves as the posture of worship. We adore God not for what He does for us but for who He is - His character, nature, and being. Praising God for being God softens our entitled hearts while reminding us that we have far more profound reasons for why we direct our praise toward Him.
Take a moment and consider…What strings are you attaching to your worship? How are they hindering you from praising God for simply being God?
Read today’s passage slowly one more time.
Psalm 63:3-5 says this:
3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
If we closed our eyes and dreamed, we could all paint a picture of our perfect day. Perhaps a great day might mean the bills are all paid, you get a few extra hours of sleep, there’s no traffic on College Road, then the work day ends early, and you can spend the day doing an activity you love. As spectacular as that dream day might be, Scripture puts our supreme day in its proper perspective. A few pages further in our Bible, the author of Psalm 84 declares that one day in God's presence is better than a thousand elsewhere. There is no comparison - being WITH God wins every single time to all those pictures we drew in our minds.
But, here's the thing: that connection and intimacy are available to us right here and now. As believers, the Holy Spirit resides WITHIN us. Christ walks by our side. God's presence goes WITH us anywhere we go. We experience joy, peace, and purpose when we remember and embrace this reality. Realizing He loves us makes our imperfect days sting a little less. It reframes every circumstance we encounter. In the long run, it doesn't matter what we do or what we experience, but who we are WITH that matters in the end.
So, as we begin to wrap up our time together, we want to provide you some space to respond to what we read and maybe to what God is trying to say to you through Psalm 63. First, take a moment to process this question…What makes God’s love better than life?
Another question to consider is this…How can you live a more worshipful life this week?
Father God,
Over the years, you’ve shown me undeserved kindness, love, and mercy.
Yet, these are not the reasons why I praise you today.
I worship You because those qualities define You at Your core.
You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.