Behind The Wheel
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:12-13
If you ever need a ride from me, I should give you a fair warning that I failed my driver's license exam three times. I became such a familiar face at the DMV every instructor knew me by name. I've never been a great test-taker but put me behind the wheel of a moving vehicle, and my already anxious nature skyrockets even more.
The same emotions I experienced driving are like those we will encounter if we read today's passage out of context. The fear of failing. The worry of messing up. The pressure to perform. We inadvertently paint a picture of God as a stickler for the rules. We view Him as a stern driving instructor meticulously watching our every move, scribbling down all our errors and blunders on a heavenly notebook. One failure to yield or use our blinker and the Creator of the Universe is ready to stamp FAILED on our papers.
This concocted picture is the very opposite of God's character. Scripture speaks of His perfect love driving out all fear and salvation being a gracious gift He freely gives. So, what do we do with today's passage? What does it mean to work out our salvation with fear and trembling?
First, let's start with what it is not. Working out our salvation with fear and trembling is not fearing God or living with constant anxiety that we haven't done "enough." Neither is it a call for a performance-based faith where we rely solely on ourselves to prove our worth or value to God.
In Philippians, Paul is writing to the believers in Philippi while in jail, urging them to continue to live out their faith and pursue unity. This requires humility and putting others' interests above our own - something that doesn't come naturally for any of us. It takes intentionality, focus, and WORK to reflect Christ in our words, actions, and attitudes.
By paying attention to the condition of our hearts, we allow God to work in us and through us. Trusting in our new identity in Christ and the freedom and security it provides, we can display the courage to give Him access to speak into our lives without worry or fear.
God invites us to work OUT our salvation, not FOR our salvation. Thanks to what Christ did on our behalf, we already have the car keys in our hands and the license to go with it. We can hit the open road of life and enjoy every twist and turn that comes our way.
Where do you need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling?
God, may I never forget that You, and You alone, have set me free. May the rest of my days be spent understanding and experiencing the depths of Your love and forgiveness, along with the responsibility to steward that message well to the world around me. In Your name, Jesus Amen.