Love And Sacrifice
“For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6
Relationships are a necessity for all of us. There is something built in our DNA that wires us with the need for community. We yearn for connections with others to the point we will settle for a toxic relationship instead of none at all. We can determine whether our links are healthy or unhealthy by how often we question our value in the other person's eyes.
Unfortunately, in some of my relationships, insecurity gets the better of me, and I find myself tempted to work and prove my worth. Even in healthy relationships I value and cherish the most, I'm often guilty of attaching my value and identity to my productivity. At times with my wife Denise, I hitch my value to WHAT I can do for her instead of WHO I can be for Denise and my family.
If I'm not careful, the mindset I have with my earthly relationships can bleed into my relationship with my Savior. It's easy to understand why I would want to bring my best sacrifice to God to validate me. After all, sacrifices are tangible markers. I can easily quantify and qualify the many offerings and sacrifices I bring to Jesus and feel confident in our relationship. The more love I show, the more random acts of kindness I display, and even the more quiet times I engage in should make Jesus love me more. But this unrelenting grind to produce and prove does not make me feel more loved; it leaves me utterly exhausted.
When I feel that way, it makes me think about the people who lived under the Old Covenant and how tiring it must have been for them. Every sin needed a sacrifice, and if that were still the expectation today, I would reside in a constant state of wondering if I stood on solid ground with God.
Yet God never intended for the sacrificial system to be sufficient. Don't get me wrong. The sacrifices we offer to God are pleasing, but there is no greater sacrifice than our desire to be in a relationship with Him. We know God prioritizes us over our gifts because of Jesus. Jesus is THE satisfaction of the sacrificial system.
God loves you. He will love you if you perform better or if you act worse. God will love you when you bring your best sacrifice, and God will love you when you have nothing to offer. God loves you on your best behavior and during your worst day. God continually reminds us that He loves who we are - not just what we do. God desires our constant love for Him, not sacrifices performed out of guilt, obligation, or fear. God wants us to know Him, not just perform for Him. Find and rest in the freedom that your relationship with God has no conditions.
Do you prioritize giving your heart to God or your sacrifices?
How can you lean into the unconditional love God has for you to focus on your heart rather than your sacrifices?
Father, thank you for Your unconditional and steadfast love. Because You loved me, I can love You. Thank you for sending Jesus to be the sacrifice for my life. You love me because of who I am. Help me to live free of the pressure of striving. Let me spend my days free and secure in Your love because I am Your child. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.
Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.