At Its Doorstep

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. Acts 3:6-8


In the packed streets of Jerusalem, at the entrance known as the Beautiful Gate, Peter and John crossed paths with a man whose life echoed the opposite of the gate's name. This man, crippled and destitute, had become a fixture in the bustling crowd, begging for alms as the world rushed by, indifferent to his plight. For years, he sat there, his body broken, his spirit likely shattered, as the streams of people flowed past him, entering the temple without a second glance.

It's a scene that speaks volumes, isn't it?

The contrast between the grandeur of the temple and the brokenness at its doorstep is stark. And yet, isn't that a reflection of our world?

We often find ourselves face-to-face with brokenness, whether it's within us or around us. We encounter pain, suffering, and despair, sometimes feeling as though we're sitting at the gates of beauty but unable to partake in its promises.

Perhaps you resonate deeply with the beggar at the Beautiful Gate.

You know what it's like to feel stuck, to be trapped in a cycle of despair, yearning for change but unable to find a way out. Every day feels like a struggle, and the world passes you by, indifferent to your cries for help.

But, hear this: there is hope for you. Your story is not over yet. Just as Peter reached out his hand and lifted the beggar to his feet, so too does Jesus reach out to lift you from your brokenness.

In His name, there is healing, restoration, and transformation.

Or maybe you find yourself in the shoes of those who passed by the beggar, perhaps with a pang of guilt or a sense of helplessness.

You see the brokenness around you, and you wonder, "What can I do?" It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the world's problems, but remember this: even the smallest act of kindness, done in the name of Jesus, has the power to bring light into the darkness.

In the end, it all comes back to Jesus.

He is the one who turns mourning into dancing, who brings beauty from ashes. In His presence, the broken find healing, the lost find hope, and the ugly find beauty. So whether you're sitting at the Beautiful Gate or passing by, remember this: Jesus is the answer. He is the source of all hope, and in Him, all things are made new.


  • Have you grown accustomed to any broken aspects of your life, deeming them as the norm? What is one action you can initiate today to embark on the journey of healing?


Dear Lord, amid our brokenness, we come before you seeking healing and restoration. Help us to recognize the areas of our lives that we have accepted as normal but require your transformative touch. Grant us the courage and wisdom to take the first step towards healing, knowing that with you, all things are possible. Amen.

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