As We Await

“May our desires align with all that You intend, as we await the fulfillment of Your promises.”

1 Chronicles 16:11 (ESV)

Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! 

Have you ever noticed how children's Christmas wish lists evolve as they age? What starts as a catalog full of circled toys gradually shifts to more practical items, and eventually, many discover that their deepest Christmas wishes can't be wrapped in paper and ribbon at all. This transformation of desires mirrors our spiritual journey during Advent.

The prophet Micah spoke profound words that still echo through time: "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8). Like a loving parent helping a child understand what truly matters, God gently guides us toward desires that align with His perfect will.

Think about your own Christmas wishes this year. Perhaps they include hopes for healing in a relationship, peace in your community, or a deeper connection with God. These longings reflect a heart beginning to beat in rhythm with God's heart. During Advent, we're invited to examine our desires and ask: Do they mirror God's priorities? Are we seeking His kingdom first?

Sometimes, we can feel torn between the world's glittering promises and God's quiet invitation to something deeper. The shopping mall beckons with its pledges of satisfaction through purchases. Social media tempts us with images of perfect holidays. Yet Christ's arrival heralds a different kind of fulfillment that transforms our desires. Imagine standing in a dark room with just one candle lit. As more candles are lit, the darkness retreats, and we begin to see things more clearly. This happens as we allow God to align our desires with His. What once seemed important may fade in significance while things we barely noticed – justice, mercy, peace – begin to capture our hearts.

God invites us to a gentle but profound transformation during this Advent season. It's not about eliminating all earthly desires but rather about allowing them to be refined and redirected. Maybe that desire for success becomes a longing to make a difference in others' lives. That wish for comfort may evolve into a heart for serving those in need. As we approach Christmas, let's practice what we might call "holy wanting" – bringing our desires before God and allowing Him to shape them. This might mean sitting quietly with Scripture each morning, journaling about our hopes and dreams, or having honest conversations with trusted friends about where God might be leading us.

Remember, this alignment isn't about forcing ourselves to want different things through sheer willpower. Instead, it's about drawing closer to God and allowing His Spirit to transform our desires naturally. Like a compass needle gradually aligning with magnetic north, our hearts slowly turn toward God's purposes as we spend time in His presence.

Take a moment to reread today’s Scripture passage and then spend some time reflecting on the following question:

1 Chronicles 16:11 (ESV)

Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! 

  • What are some of your deepest desires this Advent season? Bring these desires to God and ask Him to shape and align them with His heart.

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