As They Went

As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, He reached the border between Galilee and Samaria. As He entered a village there, ten men with leprosy stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy. Luke 17:11-14 NLT 


Oftentimes, we stay stagnant in faith, even when God is urging us to move forward. We tell God we “want” to obey Him—but we want to obey Him on our terms, which isn’t true obedience at all. Due to paralyzing fear or simple stubbornness, we stand our ground. We refuse to move an inch. We try to make an “if, then” deal with God: if He makes it easier or more convenient for us to obey Him, then we will. 

Recently, I’ve seen this dynamic play out in my own life. I know what God is calling me toward. He has given me a clear vision of the kind of person I could become if I lay my destructive habits and addictions at His feet. He has reminded me over and over again that I would be far better at loving and serving His children if I were to fully surrender to Him.

Yet, I am struggling to make obedient steps forward. I keep bargaining with Him. I promise Him that if He miraculously heals me of my mental illness, then I will serve Him faithfully. If He makes the goals He’s set for me more attainable, then I will follow through. If He lowers the hurdles set before me, then I will make His Name great. This mindset is toxic and arrogant. Who am I to negotiate with God? Who am I to tell Him what He must do for me? 

The story of the ten lepers in Luke 17 humbles me greatly. The lepers trusted that Jesus had cured them, even though His healing words hadn’t yet taken their full effect. Though the rashes on their skin remained, they turned their feet toward the temple. They trusted that by the time they were before the priests, they would be declared “clean.” They were healed as they went. 

I imagine if I were one of the lepers, I would hang out in the shade and wait for my lesions to clear before starting the long trek to the city. I would want to make sure Jesus’ healing power was legitimate before making a move. 

God is asking us to trust in Him and move forward, even when it feels impossible to take the next (or first) step of the journey He’s laid out for us. He wants our obedience, without conditions. Walking with Him isn’t meant to be easy—it’s meant to teach us to depend on Him for everything, in every moment. The most valuable lesson we can learn in this life is how to rely on God. He knows that, and He wants to teach us how. So He calls us to go, even when we don’t feel “ready.” He asks us to inch forward, confident that He will sustain and equip us with each baby step we take in the right direction. 

Sometimes, God requires us to heal as we go, rather than before we go. This feels like cruelty, but it is actually a great gift. 


  • Have you been resistant to taking a step forward in faith? What is holding you back from answering God’s call? 

  • What would it look like to rely on God’s strength and experience His healing as you go? 


Lord, thank You for having unending patience with me as I struggle to follow You. Thank You for sending Your Son to live the life of perfect obedience I could never live. Empower me to trust You more and more each day. Give me strength to take the next step forward in the journey You’ve set before me. Remind me that You will meet my every need as I go. Remind me that You are a God Who is faithful to sustain me. Embolden my faith. Help me to stop negotiating. Grant me the discipline and grit required to turn my feet in Your direction and walk. Amen.

Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today’s devotional.

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