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He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3


By seeing how God has wired us, we can begin to shift our lens towards our strengths. Yet, this is easier said than done. Our natural inclination is to focus on our weaknesses, enable our insecurities to overcome us, or allow fear to halt us in our tracks. 

Comparison not only kills our relationships but our faith as well.

Instead of getting in the game, we sit on the sidelines as a bench warmer, looking at everyone else living out their faith. We are so terrified of making a mistake or misinterpreting God's will for our lives that we do nothing. What we fail to realize is that by doing nothing, we are already making a huge mistake. 

Many of us err on the side of safety, comfort, and convenience instead of jumping into action.

We feel ill-equipped to make an impact, but this picture of ourselves goes against what Scripture says. God gave us everything we need to go out and be a light in this world. EVERYTHING. We just have to be willing to do something. There's no point in having convictions if we do nothing about them. 

God encourages us to lay down our insecurities and fears of failure and instead work out what is already inside us.

We have become overachievers at over-complicating the call that God has for us. We worry so much about creating the correct times, places, and purposes to engage our gifts in ministry. Instead, God says, just do something with what you have right where you are by being observant, keeping your lens in front of you, and engaging when you see a need.

The power of the Gospel message is that Christ now meets us exactly where we are through God's grace. Then, in turn, if we get past all of the excuses and fears, we can meet others where they are. God is capable of doing things beyond our capabilities. We just need to learn to let go and start working outside of our boxes so that the world can see the hope and freedom that resides in Christ.


  • What tends to be the excuses you use to explain your fears or justify your inactivity? What truth needs to replace these fears?


God, give me the courage to face my fears and insecurities. Rather than getting bogged down with my weaknesses, may I see life and my role in it through my strengths. You've given me everything I need to make an impact in the lives of others. There are needs all around me. Today, I want to be bold and stand in the gap. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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