ADVENT - “Light of the World”
We’re spending our time together this week looking at the different ways Jesus describes Himself and how these declarations provide us with enduring hope as we navigate our way through a broken world, and play a part in bringing a bit of hope and healing to it. Before we begin, I want to provide space for you to pause, consider the situations where you feel like you’re stumbling in darkness. Ask God to light a path and provide direction to take your next right step of faith.
Today, we encounter Jesus talking to a large crowd, after extending grace to a woman caught in adultery. Those who dropped their stones and left have returned, perplexed by this radical display of love. It is in this moment that Jesus speaks about a light that brings hope to the darkness in our world, and at times, inside our hearts. Let’s read John 8:12:
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Again, in chapter 12, Jesus tries to explain who He is, this is what He says in John 12:46:
“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”
Do you notice that twice Jesus calls himself a light? We have all experienced light shining through darkness. It could be a streetlight that helps us to see, a flashlight while we are camping in the darkness of the woods, or even our headlights on a late-night drive. Light is bright, it helps us to see, it brings clarity in the chaos of darkness. That is who Jesus is. He brings order to the chaos of the busy world that surrounds us. He brings hope and is a brightness that we can cling too.
A few years ago, we lost power for several days after a hurricane. The days were hot and sticky, but nothing compared to the nights. Once the sun set it felt like the darkness was overcoming. We had not prepared as well as we should have, so we only had two flashlights for our entire family. Simple things like navigating around the house became much harder, if not impossible. Trying to do normal tasks in complete darkness was easier said than done. The few nights that we went without power we longed for light. Such a simple thing that offered so much help.
Sometimes we don’t realize the hope Jesus brings because we are distracted by the comforts that are all around. We never realize how much we need light at night until we don’t have it. Jesus isn’t going anywhere. Even more than light in our home, His light doesn’t simply offer to make things easier in our life; instead, His light is the hope of the world. When Jesus came, He brought freedom and peace, He brought order and goodness, His light didn’t bring ease, it made us right with God.
Often, we look for Jesus when things are hard and when we feel like we’ve done everything we can. What if today we looked for the light that He provides in the everyday moments of our life. He provides the solid frameworks that puts everything else in our life into order. He gives purpose and meaning behind the joy-filled moments and the challenging ones that leave us desperate to experience Him.
Before we wrap up our time together, we want to provide you some space to respond to what we read and maybe to what God is trying to say to you. First, take a moment to process this question... In the good and the bad, where do you see His light shining?
Another question to consider is this... Are you looking for Him in all circumstances or just the ones you can’t figure out on your own?
God, thank you for the light and order You bring to life. It breaks through the darkness; providing me with hope. Give me eyes to see You and remind my heart to see You first. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.