No One Ever


“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” John 15:9-11


“I get so much joy from following the rules!” -No One Ever

When we were kids, we bristled at going to bed at a certain time or having to eat all of our vegetables. As we grew older, other rules got introduced: Speed limits, paying taxes, and so many others. Eventually, we all reach a place where there are just too many rules to keep track of, making it difficult, if not impossible, to find joy in obedience.

The people who Jesus did life with felt the same way. When Jesus stepped into the world there were about 700 established laws that people had to follow. On top of those requirements, the Pharisees developed their own oppressive rules based on their skewed interpretation of God’s laws. 

Jesus slowly began to unravel this oppression by introducing a new standard. In fact, Jesus took the entirety of the law and boiled it down to two: love God and love others. He told them something unique about these rules, something no person had ever considered regarding obedience. 

Jesus revealed that if they obeyed the commandments they would abide in God’s love, flipping the normal tradition where obedience keeps one from being punished on its head. Jesus modeled this reality. He knew firsthand about the benefits of obedience because He was perfectly loved by His Father. 

But Jesus did not stop there. He revealed that obedience also leads to joy. We typically see rules, regulations, and laws as limitations to encountering joy, yet Jesus declared the opposite. Obedience leads to full joy. 

God’s laws were not created for the sake of punishment, but for love. When Jesus established the greatest commandment He was revealing the importance of love. We obey His direction and guidance because its foundation resides in God’s love. Jesus knows what is best for us in every way. His commands are for our good.

Our joy is found in the love of Jesus, a perfect love that frees us from our sin. Obedience sets a pathway for us to see the love of Jesus, and be in a relationship with Him. It is not easy to live an obedient life when we do so solely to stay out of trouble. Jesus invites us to experience a fullness of joy in obedience towards Him because of His love. May we accept that invitation and see how His joy fills the spaces of our lives in a way that others can see.


  • How can you shift your perspective of obedience to see the joy Jesus has for you?


Father, thank you for being our source of joy. Despite what is going on in this world, Your joy rises above it all. Shift my perspective on obedience. May I see the freedom and love found in listening to Your voice and following Your Spirit. You do everything as an act of love. I praise You Father, and thank you, and pray in Your name, Amen.

Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.

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