A Steady Force

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33


All it takes is turning on the television to realize we live in a crazy world. We get bombarded with news about the crisis taking place in the Middle East, political unrest, racial disunity, a troubled economy, and many other unsettling tidbits. Discord and disagreement seem to define our days. The talking heads have our heads spinning and reaching for the aspirin or, at the very least, the remote.

From a potential storm to the latest tech gadget, culture overhypes it as the latest and greatest until the next news cycle hits. Everything is over the top, from our budgets to the over-sexualization seen in movies and magazines. Add in family distractions, financial stress, health issues, and the uncertainty that comes with living in this world; it is no wonder many of us are freaking out.

We hop on social media to catch our breath, only to find that it was an even bigger mistake. People posting their picture-perfect life on Instagram adds to the pressure we feel. The noise gets louder as individuals give out their two cents on everything in 280 characters or less on X (formerly known as Twitter). Finally, someone drops a passive-aggressive grenade, and BOOM, our Facebook feed gets blown up.

The constant amusement to distract us from reality has backfired. Without even thinking, we can find ourselves feeding into the drama and, if we're not careful, addicted to it. Instead of responding to our circumstances, we react.

Even though we want to put our heads in the sand because we are sick of the chaos, there is no way to escape it. This broken world is our reality. Due to sin, brokenness permeates our relationships and our systems.

So, how does one live sane in a crazy world? Is it possible to quit reacting emotionally to the chaos and instead respond to our circumstances with purpose and conviction?

We might not have any control over the world around us, but we do have a say in one thing: our response. We have a choice whether we want to act on our emotions or stand in the security of what we believe. As the church, God calls us to be a city on a hill and a place of refuge. He charges us with living differently by being a steady force that others can look to when it is storming all around them.

This requires intentionality and purpose. It entails having the courage to head down a narrow road amid the chaos. Sanity doesn't come because we somehow changed our circumstances. We only experience it when we walk securely based on our convictions. We aren't at the mercy of the mad world. Instead, a King who leads a Kingdom different from all the rest governs us.


  • What do you believe is the key to living sanely in a chaotic world? What makes you answer in the way that you do?


God, chaos might surround me, but it doesn't define me. Uncertainty might want to rattle me, but I stand on Your firm foundation. Fear might attempt to shake my bones, but You provide me peace. Thank you for never leaving or forsaking me. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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