“A Blessed Life” - Psalm 1 (Day 2)
Yesterday we talked about the importance of rest, rhythm, and reflection. Then, we spent a few moments meditating on Psalm 1, our passage of Scripture for the week. Today, we will look at the first two verses and explore the age-old question: Does God want me to be happy? Or, is there something greater he wants us to experience?
We recognize there are distractions and demands all of us feel and experience. For us to display a receptive heart requires having an open mind. This can be challenging when we are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or simply tired. So, before we begin, let’s pray and center ourselves by asking God to remove any distractions or concerns during our time together.
Alright, let’s jump in. Today we’re going to focus on the first two verses of Psalm 1. As you listen to the words, consider the paths you’ve headed down or things you’ve looked towards to find happiness and contentment in your life.
Psalm 1:1-2 says this:
1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
Does God want me to be happy? How do I experience a full life? What will fill my longings? At long last, those questions that boil up from the depths of our souls are finally answered, but not in the way we expect. The author of Psalm 1 opens with a captivating line: "Blessed is the one..." Blessed is the one that does what? The writer continues on, painting a picture of what it looks like to be happy, joyful, and whole - a life he describes as "blessed."
That idea, being blessed, goes much deeper than being healthy, wealthy, and wise. It's not about what material possessions you have or what your circumstances are, but rather, who you are, or even more so, whose you are. Our souls find rest when we find rest in Christ. The Hebrew word that is translated as blessed is plural. It means perpetual or endless blessings, supremely fulfilled, or in other terms, blessednesses. The happiness the world promises is circumstantial and even fragile, whereas blessedness is a state of being, one we reside in, one that is unshakable. Biblical scholars refer to Psalm 1 as a wisdom psalm because through it we learn that joy, happiness, and contentment result from our decision to follow and trust God's direction for your life. There are two paths, two ways to live - one that only frustrates and eventually feels futile, or one that leads to a full life where our hearts come alive.
Let’s read Psalm 1:1-2 one more time. As you read it this time pay close attention to any words, themes or phrases that stick out to you.
1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
Take a moment to quietly reflect on what we just read:
Did a word or phrase stand out to you?
What immediately grabbed your attention in this Psalm?
Resting in this sense of blessedness is easier said than done. We face situations that may cause us to forget or even lose sight of God's promises. We may listen to the wrong voices. We may find ourselves wandering, doubting, and relying on lesser things for fulfillment. So, let’s take these next few moments and do a heart check. Take a moment to be honest with yourself and resist the temptation to answer based on how you "should" respond, but instead, be real. God honors and values our authenticity and meets us with grace.
So, as we begin to wrap up our time together, we want to provide you some space to respond to what we read and maybe to what God is starting to say to you through Psalm 1:1-2.
First take a moment to process this question…Who or what are you relying on to be happy in life?
Another question to consider over the next few days…How can you rest in God’s promises and allow them to bring delight to your soul?
Father God,
Your presence brings me joy.
Your unchanging love leads to contentment.
Your faithfulness provides security for my steps.
I am more than full. I am beyond happy.
I am content, satisfied and blessed.
Today, though I may not always feel it, I choose to rest in this reality. Amen.