Look Around
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2
Have you ever sat down and simply thought of God’s mercy? The God of the universe not only intentionally created you and me with a specific purpose, He also desires to be in a relationship with us. Even though we mess up constantly, God constantly desires us. He knows our potential, wants to fulfill our longings, and wrap us in His peace that goes beyond anything we could comprehend. It is because of His deep love and compassion towards us that we become compelled to offer all of who we are to Him.
Several years ago, I became aware of a fear that I had in my life. It was subtle and not something I paid attention to for a while. I moved out on my own 2 months after I turned 18 and never looked back. I moved to a new country without a plan or place to live. I couch surfed for several months in college and I learned to drive a stick shift from watching YouTube videos in Ireland, where they drive on the “wrong” side of the road. Fear wasn’t a quality I thought I had until someone asked me what I was chasing. When I really thought about it, I couldn’t decide. Was I chasing after something or running from something?
Over time I’ve realized I was running from the fear of things not working out as I hoped. If I never settled or got too close to others, I could fight off my fears of being alone and fill them with adventure. Before I began working at the church, I applied for a job researching sharks off the coast of New Zealand. Why? Because I was beginning to feel settled and thoughts of marriage and kids would pop into my mind and instead of trusting God with those desires, I wanted to fill those longings myself. I wanted to be in control of my desires, not trust God to fill them. When I applied, I KNEW that wasn’t what God had next for me. Nothing about it felt wise or good and I certainly had no peace about it. But trusting God to be still where I was and dig deeper into the relationships around me felt equally as scary.
For me, not running and instead renewing my mind to know God’s will meant being still. It meant trusting that God could bring adventure and fun to the mundane days. It meant offering my fears and trusting God to work in my heart so that I could see His good and perfect will. My adventures now center around changing diapers and sweeping up cheerios every day. It may not sound as exciting on the outside but when I opened my hands and trusted God with what felt scary and out of my control, he showed me a deeper and richer love than I could have imagined. I still have urges to buy a plane ticket on a whim and see where we end up, but I can look back, or just look around, and see God’s faithfulness. I know his love for me is more than my best plans could ever provide and, because of His faithfulness, I can stop running and let go of my control. I can offer my hands and my heart and mind to Him and trust His will for me life.
Where does your mind need to be renewed through an encounter with Christ’s love?
God, thank you for knowing me better than I know myself. Thank you for desiring me even when I’m running to keep things in my control. Thank you for Your faithfulness. I have desires and wants and You created me. So, You know every ounce of those desires Lord, and I trust You with those. I trust that Your ways are higher and better, and I pray for You to renew my mind and my heart to know Your good and perfect will. Amen.
Katie Robinson, Treasure Island’s Curriculum Coordinator, wrote today’s devotional.