Cultivating Curiosity

Kids are naturally curious, which means they ask a lot of questions, and I mean, A LOT. When my two girls were toddlers, I regularly found myself on the other end of their constant, never-ending barrage of inquiries. Some were funny, others were random, and then some halted me in my tracks with their profoundness. It was their way of attempting to understand the world around them. These toddler investigators wanted to know why things were the way they were.


When we grow older and leave our childhood behind, we often lose touch with our inquisitive spirit. Life gets in the way and, slowly but inevitably, any trace of curiosity fades. The same holds in our faith journey. The excitement and ferocity of those first few steps of faith are palpable. But, over time, we forget about our dependency, and we foolishly believe we've got everything figured out. 


We exchange pursuit for productivity and curiosity for control. After all, being still and standing in awe of something doesn't pay the bills, get things accomplished, or fold the laundry. As we settle for the status quo routine, we outgrow our wonder without realizing how detrimental this is to our faith and experiencing a full life. Cultivating curiosity possesses the power to reignite our faith. We have to be intentional about developing a curious heart. But what does a posture of curiosity look like practically?



Our sense of wonder gets influenced by what we allow ourselves to see. It's hard to notice God when we live our life at such a speed that everything is blurry. God is never in a hurry; neither should we be. But, sadly, the pace many of us run at is unsustainable. By slowing down and carving out moments to reflect, we are training our eyes to see God's power, creativity, and His influence in our lives as well as the world around us.


We run from silence and stillness. We do everything in our power to avoid being alone with ourselves. Dealing with our worries, insecurities, and struggles is uncomfortable, so we turn to other things to entertain, to distance, and to appease ourselves. What we run to reveals what we love. It might be the phone, television, what's in the fridge, video games, hobbies, social media, our work, or a host of other amusements. These interrupters divide our attention and detour our thoughts. How can you quiet the noise to tune your ear toward God's still voice?



If we believe God is always present and never stops working, it means there's a greater purpose for our circumstances. They aren't random or arbitrary. More is going on than meets the eye. God wants to teach us about our hearts and His character through the circumstances we encounter. So, take a step back and pay attention. 


Following Jesus and recognizing Him as the ultimate teacher means we must view ourselves as an always learning student. God welcomes our questions and is okay with our doubts because He understands that honest doubt and humble curiosity fuels pursuit. The foundation Christ provides is the only one strong enough to handle our doubts. When we build on this foundation, there is freedom to process our questions and explore our uncertainties.


Our connection points form and mold us. They take their toll on our hearts as well as make them come alive. We are the sum of the people that surround us. Quite simply, our friends will determine the quality and direction of our lives. Pursuing God isn't a solo venture but one that must take place inside community. We need people who will encourage, push us, and help us process our faith journey as we pursue Christ together. 


Living in our little bubble limits our view of God and causes us to label and dismiss others without being curious about their hearts, stories, and lives. Consider who has a seat at the table and who needs an invite but isn't getting one. The more fascinated we become with the differences of others, the more fascinated we become with God. Our idea of our Creator expands with every moment we spend with people not like us.


We're creatures of habit that love routine. Very few of us venture out of the friendly confines of our comfort zone, but a curious faith is an active one. You can't grow without being stretched. So, do something spontaneous. Develop new habits. Join a community group. Explore a hobby you've always wondered about, but have been too afraid to try. Read a book by an author you disagree with or a different genre than your typical fare. Put yourself out there. Be okay with experiencing failure and making mistakes. 


Pursuing God is a life-long exploration that has no end. It's not a sprint but instead a journey. Our understanding of God, and our insight into ourselves, unfolds over time. Change is rarely immediate. Yet, God promises that the good work He is doing inside of you, He will carry on to completion. So, continue to press on and live curiously.