#7: The Practice of NOT HAVING TO BE SOMEONE (Identity)

Many of us have become experts at image management. In a social media fueled world, it feels like our lives are constantly on full display. We struggle with the weight of always having to be “on.” We are so many things to so many people that we’ve lost sight of who we truly are. We’ve exchanged our identity for a carefully crafted brand, and that brand becomes everything. It dictates our choices, shapes our appearance, and influences our words. The perception and expectation of others can send our emotions in a tailspin. The practice of not having to be someone creates a safe space to simply be who God made us to be. We remind ourselves that we live not for the crowds, but for an audience of One. We don’t have to make ourselves sick attempting to impress others because our Creator declares us His beloved. Trusting we are fully known and fully loved, we can enter His presence just as we are - the good, the bad, and the ugly. We don’t have to hide our shame or earn His approval. We lay down our brand to embrace our identity in Him.


#6: Present